

Not only relevant, but cost effective as well.

They’re called Trusted Content Consumers (TTC). These are the folks that browse, read, and act. They’re engaged. They’re your target market. But how do you reach them? We’re going to tell you, because we know them all.

The 6 keys to reaching TTC.

  1.  It’s about scope and choice … media campaigns need a single voice, and that voice has to have access to local newspapers, national publications like USA TODAY, The Wall Street Journal, and other popular print outlets. Then, there are media-within-media choices that include inserts and other specialty products.


  1.    Print + Online? Yes! …Today more than ever, it makes sense to extend print media campaigns to online media-including newspaper and magazine media and other websites (such as local TV and radio stations) that generate trusted, locally relevant content. We have strong relationships with both print and online media, and can deliver the most bang for your $$ across both platforms.


  1.   Getting true circulation numbers … Not all circulation figures are 100% correct. To get the real figures we analyze publisher statements and audit reports. If we find inconsistencies we get on the phone to the publications, circulation managers, auditors and post offices. We make sure you get what you pay for.


  1.    The best rates guaranteed … We’re flexible, you’re flexible, and we expect publishers to be flexible. In fact, we demand it. This gives us a strong, leveraged position that adds up to negotiating power when getting you the best possible rates.


  1. Business intelligence tools that make an impact … This includes measuring your media buy’s performance by creative, ad size and market. We’ll calculate cost per lead/order, deliver comprehensive weekly reports on direct response lead, conversion, sales and overall performance metrics. This is vital information you need to track the effectiveness of your campaign.


  1. Simplicity … Yes, marketing is a very complex business, but it doesn’t have to be for you. When you hire Maximizer Marketing, we take care of all the technical, research, and reporting date, leaving you to concentrate on running your business.

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